Aging office equipment is something every company has dealt with, or may be dealing with right now.

Even the most high-quality hardware can wear down with time. Sometimes it’s accidents or defects that cause issues with equipment even if it’s new. When this happens, owners know they have to act.

But there’s more than one way to correct this type of problem. When it comes to getting office equipment up and running again, should a person repair it or have it replaced?

The debate on whether to repair or replace office equipment has many considerations to make. Sometimes the choice depends on the overall role of the device and the state of the company using it.

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The first question concerning the repair vs. replace debate usually involves cost. Which option would be more expensive? To answer this question, an owner must make the calculations properly.

To start, consider how much the repair job itself would be. There’s also the matter of having the issue diagnosed initially, which could be a separate issue with its own price tag. If the device is repaired and kept, the cost of feature maintenance could also be factored in.

Some say if the overall cost of repairing a piece of office hardware is over half of what a replacement would be, it’s better to simply upgrade to something new.

While the 50 percent rule is popular, every rule has exceptions. With some equipment, the costs can be offset. Warranties and insurance can make repairs and maintenance much easier to manage from a financial perspective.

Tax incentives can sometimes sway owners in the direction of an upgrade. Especially by replacing their equipment with newer, greener, and more efficient systems, a business owner may be able to enjoy cost savings both in the short-term and the long-term.

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One cost that should never be overlooked is the cost of downtime. If repairing or replacing a device takes too long, the company could miss out on business and watch their productivity take a dive. In this case, it may be better to go with whatever option keeps operations moving.

When a person thinks about having to repair office equipment, they usually picture it being an aging machine that’s been in service a long time. Sometimes this is true, but other times accidents or malfunctions can lead to a relatively young device needing attention.

If a device has malfunctioned early in its lifespan, it should likely be under any applicable warranty. If no such protection exists on it, it may pay to have it assessed by an expert to see if it’s reliable for future use and worth repairing, or whether it should be replaced altogether.

While a new device could be repaired in some cases, should an old device always be replaced? In many cases, a device that’s failed multiple times should be up for a replacement.

There are exceptions to this rule, however, as some industry-specific devices can last a long time and continue functioning well after years of use and multiple repair jobs. It all depends on how the device performs, and how many repairs have been made.

While some equipment may continue to work after being repaired again and again, it’s worth considering whether these fixes add up. With each repair, a device may get new components – but it may also be more likely to suffer future issues with its remaining aging parts.

If a device has had more than 3-4 problems per year, it may be time to consider replacing it. Even standbys of the company may need to say goodbye when they’re struggling an average of once per quarter.

Aging office equipment won’t last forever – so should it be fixed or upgraded? Whether a person chooses to replace or repair office equipment depends on the device, its history, the costs associated with both options, and most importantly, how the decision would impact the business as a whole.

When it comes time to talk about office hardware options, contact a company that carries great equipment and is committed to giving customers the best in both repairs and replacements.

Doing Better Business offers printers, copiers, scanners, and more – our selection of multifunction devices makes it easy for you to handle all of the office’s most popular workflows. When it comes time to replace an old device or simply bring something new into the office, contact us.

Topics: Repair TimeOffice Equipment PurchaseBusiness Technology

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