Managed print services (MPS) are a collection of services provided by a third party that is focused on optimizing or otherwise managing an organization’s output of documents. In general, these external providers offer an up-front assessment of needs, challenges, and current infrastructure; ongoing replacement of hardware; and ongoing maintenance, service, and other parts and supplies required for optimal function of the print environment.

These offerings can also include remote tracking of activity — both day-to-day and suspicious — for increased security and to further optimize workflows and infrastructure. Overall, your MPS provider will aim to:

  • Improve the efficiency of your printer fleet and enhance your existing business processes
  • Reduce your office’s carbon footprint with streamlines printing options and reduced energy consumption
  • Decrease the amount of budget monies you spend on your print infrastructure, supplies, and overall maintenance
  • Reduce the size of your printer fleet for additional cost savings
  • Gain better control over your print budget and document flow

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, an MPS partner can help you increase the security of your print environment to protect your sensitive data from cybercriminals.

Choose the Right MPS Partner by Asking the Right Questions

You can see there are distinct advantages to partnering with an MPS provider. But to get the full benefits of an MPS partnership, you must begin with the right partner. A strong MPS ally will take the time to understand your specific business goals and challenges and search for opportunities to meet those needs by optimizing your print environment. Here are some great questions to help you size up your potential provider:

How Will You Assess My Print Environment?

Ask potential partners what they will use to assess your current infrastructure. Will they use analytical tools? Can the assess how much money you are currently spending on print costs?

Do You Have a Proven Record of Success?

Ask for testimonials from previous or current clients to assess what kind of experience they had working with your potential partner. Make sure that they were able to deliver what they promised!

Do You Have the Ability to Integrate?

Integration with your current infrastructure is important because it allows you to continue to leverage the investment you have already made in your print environment. You will also want to ensure that you will have a seamless connection to the cloud and to any other remote or mobile devices.

Will My Environment Be Scalable?

Can your prospective partner meet your print and imaging needs over the next six months or a year? What about further out than that? How fast will you be able to reconfigure or upgrade your current infrastructure and how much will it cost to do so?

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What About Security?

Hackers are evolving new methodologies all the time and some of those techniques are targeted at office printers. Make sure your MPS partner understands that data security is of utmost importance to you and ask how they intend to secure your sensitive information.

You may also want to inquire about energy-efficient print technologies and if your prospective partner offers recycling and waste-reduction options. After asking all these questions — and any others you may have — you will have a much better understanding of exactly what services your MPS provider can offer, how they intend to offer them, and how your company will benefit from your association. We’d Like to Be Your MPS Partner. Ask Us Anything!

At Doing Better Business, we are adept at helping our clients to streamline their office printing environment while bringing control, cost management, and security to the table. Typically, we can help clients reduce spending by anywhere from 20% to 40%, all while optimizing business processes and workflows and offering a greater level of service to their end users.

Our MPS solutions can assist your organization in decreasing overall print spend, getting a grip on print security, improving efficiency and productivity, and a host of other benefits.

Ask us anything! Contact a representative from Doing Better Business and discover how our MPS program can benefit your business today.

Topics: MPS#ManagedPrintServices

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