The term MPS, Managed Print Services, is not a new concept.  It has been 11 years since we won MPS Dealer of the Year from the Managed Print Services Association.  However, the percentage of transactional printers in the typical office still remains high. 

Shop Online at DBB's New Online Store 

One reason this is the case is the big box stores providing free desktop printers with a computer purchase.   Another reason could also be that is simply a lot easier to run to the big box store and pick up an inexpensive printer when one breaks down than to engage with a sales professional to determine which device may better suit your needs. 

In order to better serve our customers, we have launched our “Shop Online” eCommerce Store (link pictured above).    This store does not replace our eInfo Portal which is a direct login for our “Managed” customers into our backend computer system.   Our eInfo Portal allows those customers to directly place supply orders or service calls right into system (if they are not already signed up for our AutoTech Program – which does this automatically).  eInfo Portal also allows customers to view service history and see any invoices.   Click on this eInfo link for our article on how to navigate the eInfo Customer Portal. 

Our “Shop Online” eCommerce Store is our latest offering to help make things easier and more efficient for our customers.  Through this Store, customers will have access to virtually every printer and copier supply on the market, along with choices of compatible or OEM (original equipment manufacturer).   From ink to toner, you should be able to find what you need for those unmanaged, non-service contract desktop or legacy devices still in use in your office. 

Ink and Toner Search

In addition, we have added all of the products we offer to the Store.  Whether you need a stand-alone scanner, a new notebook computer, or even our GoSafe Thermal Facial Recognition Scanner so you can open your office safely, many of these items are available to purchase directly online.  

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Keep in mind, many devices require additional accessories or options.  For those devices, we would still like to consult with you to make sure you are selecting the right size device with the right options to fill your needs.  So, any devices with multiple options will have a request more information button to connect you with one of our experts.   We do not want this store to replace the relationship you have with your Business Relationship Manager.  Our intention is for this to enhance that relationship and provide you with easier access to items you need quickly. 

In order to fully take advantage of this new service, we ask you to contact your Business Relationship Manager to have your special account created within the store.   Due to agreements in place with our manufacturers, we are restricted to offering any discounted prices online.   Your Business Relationship Manager can set you up with access to the store and your special pricing levels. 

We hope you find the Store easy to navigate and are always open to any feedback to make it better.   We hope this is just another tool in helping you do better business and us being able to provide you customer service excellence.

Topics: Managed Print ServicesBusiness ImprovementIndustry TrendsProcess ImprovementSurveyCustomer ServiceCopier Service#lovemytechNet Promoter ScoreCustomer SatisfactionNPSMPSResponse TimeRepair TimeCustomer Service Excellence#SecureYourBusiness#CustomerServiceExcellence#MoreThanPrint#MoreThanCopiers#ManagedPrintServicesecommerceshop online

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